The Public Building Infopoint is online, a portal dedicated to public servants to support energy renovation of public building in all aspects: technical, financial and management.

Infopoint was implemented by LIFE Prepair project partners within the Energy Efficiency action, with Emilia-Romagna Region coordinating the activities.

The portal is structured like an ideal path to the energy renovation intervention: form initial planning/programming, to monitoring and communication of the achieved results.

According to this locgic Infopoint is structured in 5 “Phases”:

  1. Planning-Preliminary acions
  2. Tendering
  3. Financing
  4. Energy performance
  5. Management

For each of the phases, a public officer can find a description of the topic and a set of operative tools that will grant a valid support to the management of the procedure. For each tool a list of applicable regulations is available.

Specific paragraphs are dedicated to Green Public Procurements requirements and available funds.

Visit the Infopoint here (in italian):

On November 28-29, Emilia Romagna Region as Prepair Lead Partner will attend  the EU Clean Air Forum in Bratislava, Slovakia.

This Forum will focus on four themes: 

  • air quality and health;
  • air quality and energy;
  • air quality and agriculture;
  • clean air funding mechanisms.

 It will bring together decision-makers, stakeholders and experts on the above topics in a two-day conference to reflect on the development and implementation of effective European, national and local air policies, projects and programmes.

Fore more information visit the Forum page.

The Open Journal of Air Quality (OJAP), a scientific journal specialized in air quality, recently published a peer review article on “Citizen and air quality“, the first survey on the perception of air quality by the citizens of the entire Po basin. Authors of the article are Enrico Cancila, Irene Sabbadini and Marco Ottolenghi of Art-ER, Marco Deserti of the Emilia Romagna Region and Sara Tessitore of the Istituto Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa.

The article sets out the aims, the methodology used and the results highlighting the opportunities offered by the survey to better understand the perception of the problem of air quality by citizens and the mechanisms that lead to the formation of their opinions in this regard: all pieces of information that can contribute to improve the effectiveness of future communication and involvement activities on the subject.

Read the article.

Within the The europena Sustainable Mobility Week (September 16th-22nd), the Autonomous Province of Trento organises Elettricittà, the Electric Mobility Day that will take place in Trento the next September the 20th.

The agenda of day includes the presentation of the Province Sustainable Mobility Plan, an exposition of electric cars with the possibility of a test drive and, in the evening, Loredana Cont’s show on electric mobility.

Visit the event page on the European Sustainable Mobility Week Website.

On September the 2nd and 3rd the Multi-country workshop on Air pollution from household heating will take place in Tallinn, Estonia as art of the UE programme TAIEX EIR PEER 2 PEER.

The event will be an occasion of confrontation and exchange between the environmental authorities of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Croazia and their peers from more advanced member states. As a matter of fact in these countries the use of solid fuels, such as wood, in domestic heating significantly contributes to air pollution.

The experience of project Prepair will be presented by the Autonomous Province of Trento in the secondo day during the session dedicated to PM 2.5 reduction.

For more information please download the agenda.

Last 11th of July, the Regional governments of the Po Basin together with the Autonomous Province of Trento met in Milan hosted by Regione Lombardia, for the first Midterm conference of LIFE Prepair Project.

The conference was the occasion to present the achievements of the first two project years and to take the stock of the situation on common strategies and future perspective regarding air quality in the critical context of the Po basin.

In the presence of Wilhelmus De Wilt as a representative of the European Commission, the participants to the 1st Midterm conference – among them the regional ministers Raffaele Cattaneo of Lombardia, Paola Gazzolo of Emilia Romagna, Matteo Marnati of Piemonte – discussed what has been done so far and the future perspective taking into account the recent signature of the protocl for air quality signed by the italian regional governments and the national ministry of environment at the Clean Air Dialogue in Turin, nearly a month ago.

The morning was dedicated  to present the advancement of the actions and the achievements of Prepair project. The project activities helped making clear that reducing the emission of pollutants by 40% in the Po basin is feasable, given the fast implementation of the action already planned and the use of new advanced technologies.

Among the results it was presented the first survey on the perception of air quality for the Po Basin.

An informal Networking session took place during lunch break with the participation of some of the projects part of the Prepair Network.

The afternoon section was more oriented to the perspectives and political strategies that were discussed in a round table by the representatives of the Po basin local governments and project partners.

Go to the speakers’ slides

Go to the video summary of the day (in italian)

Go to the video interviews (in italian)

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