French Agency for ecologic transition ADEME assesses PREPAIR’s actions in its international benchmark on domestic heating and air quality

The report refers to Prepair's activities on assessment of policies efficiency and monitoring of air quality

6-7 October | Regione Emilia-Romagna will host the next CAMS user workshop Italy

A two day occasion of meeting and debate for existing and potential users of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring System (CAMS) organized by Copernicus National User Forum, ISPRA and Regione Emilia-Romagna.

Online the Report of the Survey on Residential consumption of Biomass in the Po Basin

Today february 19th, ARPA Veneto, the curator of the survey  on "Residential consumption of Woody biomasses in the Po Basin", presented its report in Verona at Progetto Fuoco exibition. The survay aim at updating to 2018 the assessment…