The Po basin together for the Quality of Air | 6 October

The second MId-term Conference of LIFE PrepAIR, online from Venice

The Air Quality Assessment Report for Po Basin and Slovenia in 2020 is Online

The document is the result of the work of the environmental Agencies' Network which are partner of the LIFE Prepair projects: ARPAE Emilia-Romagna and ARPA Piemonte (coordinators of the action), ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia, ARPA Veneto, ARPA Lombardia, ARPA VAlle d’Aosta, APPA Trento e ARSO Slovenia.

SAVE THE DATE! 2nd PrepAIR Mid-Term Conference | Venice 6th October

The conference will be hosted by Regione Veneto and ARPA Veneto

Prepaired! will present its activities at the second international conference of Scuola Democratica

On June the 2nd during the parallel session - B.6.2 Curriculum of Digital Civic Education, Teaching of Civic Education and new Citizenship

Covid-19 and Air Quality in the Po Valley: Online the English summary of the third Report

The third report studies the Effects the Covid-19 Lockdown on PM10 chemical composition in the Po valley.