The Air Quality Assessment Report for Po Basin and Slovenia in 2020 is available for download.
The document is the result of the work of the environmental Agencies’ Network which are partner of the LIFE Prepair projects: ARPAE Emilia-Romagna and ARPA Piemonte (coordinators of the action), ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia, ARPA Veneto, ARPA Lombardia, ARPA VAlle d’Aosta, APPA Trento e ARSO Slovenia.
This first assessment report of action D5 provides a synthetic view on the state of air quality in the Po Valley and Slovenia for year 2020 and examines PM10, PM2.5, nitrogen dioxide and ozone, which are the pollutants whose concentration values more frequently exceed legislation thresholds. The assessment was carried out with data fusion techniques using model output and monitoring data collected by action C1 of the PREPAIR project. Even though four data fusion modelling systems with different setup (resolution, boundary condition, meteorological data and data fusion technique) have been used, the model outputs are very similar to each other. In this report the assessment methodology, the data fusion technique and results of the most critical indicators compared to the limit values established by the 2008/50/EC Directive are shown.