It is now published online a didactic format realized within the project action “Near Zero Energy Buildings” and related to the energy requalification of private buildings, condominiums in particular.

The format goes together with a detailed educational program aiming at bringing different professionals to common and transversal competences about the energy requalification of condominiums. The courses will only be developed on the Italian territory and will involve different professionals dealing with energy requalification of condominiums such as building administrators,  designers, artisans and construction companies.

The aim of the initiative is to promote integration within the energy redevelopment chain of condominiums by building common languages ​​and practices able to promote and support interventions and to direct the planning and the planning of works towards the optimal achievement of consumption targets established by the client. This will be done through the training of condominium administrators, professional technicians and construction companies, providing them with adequate and homogeneous skills.

See the English version of the didactic format

Last Friday, July 6, the second EIR (Environmental Implementation Review) laboratory was held: an in-depth study on the multilevel governance of environmental policy in the Italian regions and autonomous provinces, based on the presentation of practical cases referring to the implementation of European directives.

The laboratory was part of a cycle of European training courses organized by CINSEDO, an interregional study and documentation center, and in particular of a series dedicated to the Air Directive. PREPAIR was chosen as case study and as example of a multilevel governance on the topic of air.

The project was presented by the lead partner, Emilia Romagna Region.

See the project presentation (in Italian and English)

The first report of the project PREPAIR is now online: it is a survey on the communication experiences about the environmental impacts of the burning of wood biomass previously conducted in the Po basin and in Slovenia.

The survey was coordinated by Lombardy Region and realized within the communication action dedicated to the correct use of biomass; it collects and describes the most significant projects realized in the last years on the topic of the correct use of biomass and on the appliances used for domestic heating.

Starting from this survey, a communication campaign on the correct use of biomass for domestic heating will be developed and realized on the whole project’s territory by the partners involved in this action.

The survey is in Italian language with an English abstract. You can see it here.