Air Quality and Agriculture
Promoting an ammonia low-emission application of fertilizers based on urea in agriculture
DESCRIPTION: The project aims at identifying the best application techniques of urea-based fertilizers, which often cause ammonia emissions deriving from urea degradation before absorption by crops, and at verifying (also through field-based analysis) the opportunity of replacing urea with other nitrogen fertilizers or with organic substances, with assessment of the environmental costs and benefits associated.
DURATION: from July 2017 to March 2020
Implementation of a common model for evaluation of gaseous emissions and odour resulting from the intensive rearing of cattle, pigs and poultry
DESCRIPTION: The action consists in the elaboration of a common model for the evaluation of gaseous emissions (ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide), odour emissions, and potential release of nitrogen compounds in water deriving from cattle, pigs and poultry intensive farming activities with “whole farm approach”, after a wide examination of the existing models applied for the same purpose.
DURATION: from July 2017 to March 2020
BAT-Tool Handbook (italian)